The CAPTCHA, with a focus on user-experience and data protection

Protect your website with Trustcaptcha against bot attacks and spam. Benefit from advantages such as GDPR compliance and, compared to other providers, only pay for what you actually use thanks to pay-per-use billing.

Human vs Robot
Individual bot probability for each request
Spam reduction through dynamically scaled proof-of-work
Evaluation of attack patterns with AI
Device-optimized captcha duration
Adjustable captcha duration and security
User experience
Easy integration
No puzzles or image recognition tasks
Accessibility without user participation
Starts automatically
Completed in seconds
Solvable with a maximum of 1 click
User administration
Various invoice addresses
Usage statistics
Different designs
50+ languages with recognition mode
Adaptive light/dark mode
Allow list / Block list
Data protection
EU GDPR Compliant
Servers in the EU
Order data processing contract
Minimum data mode for maximum data economy
Made in Germany

Features of Trustcaptcha

Trustcaptcha offers a wide range of modern functions and customization options for captchas. The management of one or more captchas, whether for your own use or for external customers, is also comprehensively supported by customized and optimized management options.

Experience Trustcaptcha in Action

Experience how simple and secure Captcha can be – try our interactive Live Demo now.

Try the Demo!

This is what a form with Trustcaptcha could look like.

Configure captcha

Customize the captcha to your needs.

Reset demo

Convenient user experience

Trustcaptcha improves user interaction by starting the verification process as soon as the user enters the data in the fields provided. As a result, the captcha is completed on average long before the input is finished. This allows your customers to continue on your site in a convenient, fast and user-friendly way. Alternatively, the captcha can be solved quickly with an intuitive click. Try out our interactive demo field.

Full Support for Your Technologies

Experience seamless integration with native support for leading technologies and frameworks.

Wordpress Logo
JavaScript Logo
TypeScript Logo
NodeJS Logo
Vue Logo
React Logo
Angular Logo
Python Logo
Java Logo
Kotlin Logo
Spring Logo
PHP Logo
Ruby Logo
C Sharp (C#)
Go lang

Easy Integration

Trustcaptcha integrates seamlessly into your existing systems and supports a wide range of programming languages and frameworks. Benefit from extensive libraries and code examples so that you are protected by our captcha in no time.

Read the documentation

Free Test Version

We offer you the opportunity to test Trustcaptcha free of charge. You can also use the test version free of charge for development purposes and with up to 150 requests per month for non-commercial purposes.

Contact us

Save money by only paying for what you use!


No fixed costs - perfect for small websites and start-ups with low traffic.

€ 0/monthly

plus€ 0.05/per request

  • Includes:
  • 1 protected website
  • Unlimited requests
  • Individual bot score
  • Proof-of-Work
  • No image recognition tasks or puzzles
  • Fully accessible
  • Captcha starts automatically
  • Fully GDPR-compliant
  • CAPTCHA servers in the EU
  • Adjustable captcha difficulty
  • Adaptive light mode / dark mode
  • Various languages with auto-detection mode


Most popular

The best choice for most companies.

€ 19/monthly

plus€ 0.01/per request

  • Includes:
  • All features of Basic
  • 7 protected websites
  • 99% availability
  • Basic support
  • Simple usage statistics
  • Minimal data mode option
  • IP allowlist with 5 IP addresses/ranges
  • IP blocklist with 10 IP addresses/ranges
  • Bypass keys
  • 5 Users


Ideal for large companies and websites with many requests.

€ 139/monthly

plus€ 0.001/per request

  • Includes:
  • All features of Growth
  • 50 protected websites
  • > 99% availability
  • Prioritized support
  • Advanced usage statistics
  • IP allowlist with 50 IP addresses/ranges
  • IP blocklist with 500 IP addresses/ranges
  • Geo-blocking
  • 50 Users
* Prices plus legal VAT

To offer our services to companies of different sizes and requirements, the price per request decreases and the base price increases with higher usage categories. Alternatively, we can offer custom fixed prices upon request.

Compare price plans

Individual price plan and support

We offer individual solutions for companies, organizations and authorities with special requirements or particularly high traffic. These range from special features and integration support to support offers from our own employees and software developers. Please feel free to contact us if required.

Ready to start?

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